The Best Pre-Workout Snacks For Peak Performance

August 19, 2024

Starting a workout routine without the proper pre-workout snack is like setting out on a long journey with an empty tank—inefficient and potentially damaging. But the right pre-workout fuel can significantly boost your performance, whether you're a weekend warrior or a dedicated endurance athlete.

Consuming a balanced mix of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates is key for a steady energy supply throughout your workout. It aids in muscle protein synthesis, crucial for muscle growth and repair. Below, we demystify what makes for an optimal pre-workout snack, considering the balance of complex carbs for sustained energy, healthy fats for longer-lasting fuel, and proteins, particularly rich in amino acids, to aid muscle function and recovery.

Why should I eat before a workout?

Eating before exercise gives your body the fuel it needs to crush your workout. Complex carbs are great because they digest slowly, keeping your energy steady and boosting glycogen in your muscles for longer or tougher workouts.

Simple carbs, on the other hand, digest quickly and are perfect for a quick energy boost right before you exercise.

Finally, protein is important too, whether you eat it a bit earlier or right before your workout. It helps with muscle repair and growth, giving your body the amino acids it needs to recover and get stronger.

When should I eat before a workout?

The timing and balance of your pre-workout meal are crucial for getting the most out of your workout. About 3-4 hours beforehand, go for a balanced meal with healthy fats, complex carbs, and protein—think grilled chicken with quinoa and veggies for steady energy.

As you get closer to your workout, focus on quicker-digesting foods like simple carbs and a bit of protein. A banana with peanut butter or toast with turkey gives you quick energy without feeling too full. By timing your meals and snacks right, you’ll have the fuel you need to perform well, maintain endurance, and start recovery as soon as you’re done.

The Best Pre-Workout Snacks to Try


Bars + Bites



Snack Mixes


Nut Butter

Crackers + Hummus

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