The Ultimate Guide to Low-Calorie Snacks

December 15, 2023

Snacking plays an important role in maintaining a healthy diet and keeping us satisfied in between bigger meals. Although snacking has gained a bad rap in the past, it can actually be good for you! It's not about mindlessly munching on unhealthy treats; it's about making smart choices to fuel your body throughout the day. Snacking helps maintain steady blood sugar levels, keeps your metabolism humming, and curbs those pesky hunger pangs. 

Now, you might be wondering, "Can low-calorie snacking actually be exciting?" The answer is a resounding yes! Low-calorie snacks don't have to be bland and boring. Forget about tasteless rice cakes or boring carrot sticks. We're here to prove that healthy snacking can be a delicious experience for your taste buds. From vibrant fruit bowls bursting with juicy goodness to savory, protein-packed bites that satisfy your cravings, we've got plenty of mouthwatering inspiration to make your snacking routine exciting week over week.

In this guide, we're here to be your culinary compass, navigating you through a wide range of ideas for low-calorie snacks. Whether you're looking for easy snacks to fuel your busy days, or creative recipes to spice up your snack time, we've got you covered. So, let's dive in and discover a whole new world of delectable, guilt-free snacking delights! 

Finding time to shop for low-calorie snacks can be challenging when you’re on a busy schedule. Luckily, services like Hungryroot offer healthy foods and delicious snacks delivered right to your doorstep. With Hungryroot, you can say goodbye to the hassle of grocery shopping. What sets Hungryroot apart is their personalized approach – take their quiz, share your nutrition goals, and get healthy snack and recipe recommendations curated just for you. Let Hungryroot take care of your low-calorie snacking needs, so you can focus on living your best, on-the-go life!

Our Favorite Low-Calorie Snacks 


When it comes to low-calorie snacking, one superstar that deserves a standing ovation is yogurt. Yogurt is not only delicious but also incredibly versatile, making it the perfect choice to keep you satisfied in between meals. Yogurt comes in a variety of options, from plain to flavored, Greek yogurt to regular, and even dairy-free alternatives for those with dairy restrictions. What makes yogurt a standout snack is its impressive nutritional profile. Packed with protein, calcium, and probiotics, it's a nutrient powerhouse that supports a healthy digestive system, strengthens bones and promotes overall gut health.

Greek yogurt, in particular, offers a tangy, slightly tart taste that pairs perfectly with an array of toppings, such as fresh fruits, nuts, or a drizzle of honey. Whether you opt for the plain variety or delve into the world of fruit-infused or flavored options, yogurt is a go-to choice for a guilt-free, nutrient-packed snack that will leave you feeling full without breaking the calorie bank.

Some of our favorite low-calorie, yogurt options include:

Egg Bites & Hard-Boiled Eggs

Hard-boiled eggs and egg bites are little powerhouses of nutrition making them a fantastic choice for a high protein, low-calorie snack that will keep you feeling satisfied in between meals. Hard-boiled eggs are incredibly convenient and portable, making them an ideal on-the-go snack. With around 6 grams of protein per egg and only about 70 calories, they provide a steady source of energy and help curb hunger pangs.

If you're craving some variety in your snacking routine, egg bites are here to save the day. These fluffy, bite-sized delights can be customized to suit your taste buds and dietary preferences. Made with a combination of eggs, vegetables, cheese, and other flavorful ingredients, egg bites offer a burst of protein and flavor without weighing you down. You can make them ahead of time and have them ready to grab whenever hunger strikes. 

Whether you prefer savory options like spinach and feta or something with a touch of heat like jalapeño and cheddar, egg bites are a versatile and delicious way to add excitement to your snacking repertoire. So, get cracking and enjoy the goodness of eggs for a satisfying and nutritious snack that won't derail your health goals.

Meat Jerky or Meat Sticks

Meat jerky and sticks are savory delights that are not only delicious but a fantastic choice for a high-protein, low-calorie snack on busy days. Whether you’re a fan of beef, turkey, or chicken, there’s a meat jerky or stick out there to suit your taste preferences. Meat jerky and sticks have an impressive and lean nutritional profile, packed with protein and bursting with flavors. Plus, they make great snacks after an intense workout to help with muscle recovery. 

Meat jerky can come in a variety of flavors and seasonings, adding a delicious twist to your snacking routine. From classic flavors like teriyaki and peppered, to bold and spicy varieties, there’s no shortage of options to keep your snacking exciting. So, whether you’re hiking, at the office, or simply looking for a quick protein fix, reach for some meat jerky or meat sticks and enjoy a tasty snack to keep you fueled throughout the day!


If you're a cheese lover, here's some good news: cheese and cheese sticks, along with cottage cheese, make for creamy, low-calorie snacks that offer versatility and will keep you full. Cheese is not only incredibly delicious but also a great source of protein and essential nutrients like calcium and vitamin D. Whether you prefer the sharpness of cheddar, the creaminess of mozzarella, or the tanginess of cream cheese, there's a cheese variety to suit every palate.

String cheese sticks are a convenient and portable option for snacking on the go. They provide a quick protein boost, helping to keep hunger at bay. Additionally, cheese sticks are fun to eat and can be pulled apart into satisfyingly cheesy strings, making them enjoyable for both kids and adults.

Cottage cheese, with its creamy texture and mild taste, is another fantastic option for a high-protein snack. Packed with protein and low in calories, cottage cheese provides a filling and nourishing snack that can be enjoyed on its own or paired with fruits, vegetables, or whole-grain crackers for added variety and texture. Experimenting with different toppings and mix-ins like berries, nuts, or a sprinkle of chili powder can transform your cottage cheese into a delightful and satisfying snack experience.

So, whether you're slicing up cheese sticks for a quick bite or enjoying a bowl of cottage cheese with your favorite toppings, these cheese varieties offer a delicious way to add protein and excitement to your snacking routine.

Seeds, Nuts, & Nut Butters

Seeds, nuts, and nut butters are nature's powerhouses when it comes to high protein, low-calorie snacking when eaten in moderation. Packed with essential nutrients, healthy fats, and a good dose of protein, they are an excellent choice to keep energized between meals. 

Seeds like chia seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds are not only rich in protein but also provide a good amount of fiber, heart-healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals. They can be enjoyed on their own as a crunchy snack or sprinkled on top of yogurt, salads, or smoothies for added texture and nutrition.

Nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, and cashews, offer a balanced combination of protein, healthy fats, and nutrients like iron and calcium. Enjoy a handful of nuts on their own, or get creative by incorporating them into homemade trail mixes or tossing them into stir-fries for a delightful crunch.

When it comes to nut butter, options like almond butter, peanut butter, and cashew butter are not only delicious but also provide a concentrated source of protein. Eat as a sweet snack or spread them on whole grain crackers, apple slices, or celery sticks for a protein-packed snack that will keep hunger at bay.

By incorporating seeds, nuts, and nut butter into your snacking routine, you not only enhance the nutritional value of your snacks but also introduce a variety of exciting flavor and texture possibilities.

Fruit & Vegetables

When it comes to low-calorie snacking, fresh fruits, and vegetables are the true champions. Bursting with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, they are not only incredibly nutritious but also offer a wide range of flavors and textures to keep your snacking routine exciting. 

Fresh fruits come in a delightful array of options: from juicy berries and tangy citrus fruits to crisp apples and refreshing melons to satisfy any sweet tooth. Citrus fruits contain high amounts of Vitamin C, critical to supporting a strong immune system, while berries like blueberries contain anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that play a crucial role in improving brain function, memory, and cardiovascular health. However, it's important to be mindful of the sugar content in some fruits, as consuming too much can affect blood sugar levels. Balancing your fruit choices with low-sugar options like berries and incorporating vegetables into your snacking routine can provide a balanced snacking experience. 

Enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables as a standalone snack, toss them into salads, dry them into vegetable chips (like kale chips), blend them into smoothies, or pair them with a dollop of yogurt or nut butter for  added variety. 

Potato and Tortilla Chips

While potato and tortilla chips may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about low-calorie snacks, there are ways to incorporate chips with fewer calories into your snacking routine. Opt for baked or air-popped chips instead of fried ones to reduce fat and calorie content. Additionally, whole-grain tortilla chips can provide more fiber compared to traditional potato chips.

Enjoy chips as a standalone snack or pair them with fresh salsa, guacamole, or a light yogurt-based dip for added flavor. You can get creative with toppings like cheese, diced tomatoes, or black beans to turn tortilla chips into a mini, low-calorie nacho experience. However, remember that portion control is key to keeping the calorie count low. Instead of mindlessly munching from a large bag, pre-portion a small serving size so you can snack without going overboard.


With its airy texture and crunch, popcorn is a fantastic choice to keep you feeling full between meals without weighing you down. Air-popped popcorn is naturally low in calories and provides a good source of fiber. It's a whole-grain snack that offers complex carbohydrates and some essential nutrients.

From classic buttered popcorn to savory flavors like cheese, barbecue, or even spicy options, there's a wide array of popcorn flavors for any taste profile. If you're looking for a healthier twist, opt for lightly seasoned or lightly salted options. To keep popcorn interesting, consider mix-ins like nuts, dried fruits, or even a sprinkle of dark chocolate chips for a touch of sweetness.

When enjoying popcorn, be mindful of portion sizes and avoid heavily buttered or sugary versions, as they can significantly increase the calorie content. Feel free to grab a bowl of popcorn and savor the crunch while keeping your snacking routine exciting and waistline-friendly.

Incorporating Low-Calorie Snacks Into Your Routine

With the right mindset and approach, low-calorie snacking doesn't have to be a daunting task. With our guide, you can successfully incorporate healthy snacks with fewer calories into your daily routine. One key aspect is to prioritize nutrient-dense options, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, yogurt, nuts, and seeds. Remember to vary your snacks to prevent boredom and keep your taste buds excited throughout the week. Explore different flavors, textures, and preparation methods to add diversity to your snacking routine in between meals.

Portion control is another important factor in successful low-calorie snacking. While choosing nutritious snacks is important, it's equally important to be mindful of portion sizes. Even healthy snacks can contribute to excess calorie intake if consumed in large quantities. Practice portion awareness by using small bowls or containers to serve your snacks and avoid mindless eating straight from a large bag. Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues to guide your snacking habits and avoid unnecessary overconsumption.

Ready to fuel your active lifestyle and stock your kitchen with low-calorie snacks? Hungryroot offers a comprehensive selection of healthy groceries and snacks delivered straight to your doorstep. But, Hungryroot doesn’t stop at snacks. With over 2,000 chef-created recipes, you’ll discover a treasure trove of low-calorie and nutrient-rich dishes that’ll leave you craving for more. Take their personalized quiz to unlock snack and recipe recommendations tailored to your nutritional goals!

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